Mastering the Mindset of Success confidence designyourlife empowerment Jul 31, 2023

Focussing on our mindset really is key because it shapes our path to success. And who doesn’t want to achieve their goals and aspirations, right?! Once we are able to understand how we can get our neurobiology to work for, not against us, we can unlock incredible opportunities to create a...

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What is the difference between worry, anxiety and fear? clarity empowerment growth Jul 27, 2023

In life, we often find ourselves grappling with worry, anxiety, and fear, but do we truly understand their distinctions and how they impact us? Let's check out  each of these emotions to gain a deeper understanding.

Worry: A Choice That Keeps Us Stuck

 Worry is a choice that often leads...

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Recalibrate Yourself Fast! awareness emotionalintelligence empowerment Jul 10, 2023


By understanding how to regulate our mind and body, we can overcome setbacks and create a life that we don't want to escape. Fear, which activates the amygdala and suppresses rational thinking, is often at the root of our challenges. 

When we peel away the layers of our struggles,...

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What's REALLY Stopping You? awareness empowerment neuroplasticity Jul 10, 2023

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes find it difficult to think rationally, make clear decisions, or take action? The answer lies within our own brains. It’s the connection between our brain's amygdala and prefrontal cortex and how their activation can hinder our ability to think...

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The Neuroscience Behind Getting Unstuck choices empowerment growth resilience Jun 14, 2023

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves feeling stuck, held back by fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. But what if I told you that there is a way to break free from these constraints and unleash your full potential? By understanding how we’re wired and be willing to feel...

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How do you reach for the stars and stay grounded? dreambig empowerment growth May 25, 2023


This is a topic that deeply resonates with me as a mindset coach—how to reach for the stars while remaining firmly grounded. Achieving remarkable things while staying true to ourselves and connected to the present moment is a delicate balance.


Dreaming big is a powerful...

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Are you living your life in fear or freedom? awareness choices designyourlife empowerment May 12, 2023



As a mindset coach, who is passionate about empowering my clients to live their best lives, I often encounter people who feel trapped and stuck in their own lives. They feel like they are living in a constant state of fear and anxiety, unable to break free from the negative thoughts...

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Weathering Life's Storms adapatbility empowerment resilience Apr 05, 2023

Strategies for Developing Resilience and Adaptability


Resilience is all about bouncing back from tough times, staying hopeful, and not letting setbacks knock you down. Adaptability, on the other hand, is all about being flexible and open-minded in the face of new challenges and changing...

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Help! I've lost my mojo... burnout empowerment planning support Mar 29, 2023


As a coach, one of the most challenging tasks can be helping successful entrepreneurs and professionals who have lost their mojo. It can be a frustrating and stressful experience to see someone who has achieved so much in their business and professional lives struggle to stay motivated and...

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Confused about your reactions? consciousness empowerment fearless Mar 10, 2023


What do you do when you feel afraid? This is such a brilliant question to ask, as any thought or feelings you experience that don’t light you up or energise you basically stem from a fear thought. Crazy right?


Our brains are wired to protect us from harm, so anything...

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Learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable empowerment fearless future growth Mar 01, 2023


If you can master being comfortable with being uncomfortable, you’ve pretty much nailed being fearless in life, and the world truly is at your feet.


When we “do the work” on ourselves, it all seems to boil down to self-worth. Do we feel worthy? 


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Are you thinking your thoughts? curiositymindset empowerment positivechange Feb 10, 2023

In our youth we get taught most things, life skills that are helpful, however, no one teaches us why we think certain thoughts or how to think on purpose. I didn’t even know that managing my thoughts was an option, let alone how to think purposefully! The thoughts in my mind went...

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