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Recalibrate Yourself Fast

Recalibrate Yourself Fast!

awareness emotionalintelligence empowerment Jul 10, 2023


By understanding how to regulate our mind and body, we can overcome setbacks and create a life that we don't want to escape. Fear, which activates the amygdala and suppresses rational thinking, is often at the root of our challenges. 

When we peel away the layers of our struggles, fear emerges as the common thread holding us back. Fear can manifest as self-doubt, anxiety, or a sense of limitation. It triggers the amygdala - the most ancient part of our brain, and it’s our brain's fear centre, which hijacks our rational thinking processes by deactivating the prefrontal cortex - the most recently evolved part of our brain.

To overcome fear, we must first acknowledge it. Recognise the fears that are holding you back and understand that they often stem from our own thoughts and beliefs. By identifying and addressing these fears head-on, we regain control over our minds and emotions.

When fear sets in, our breath becomes shallow and rapid. When we pause and engage in breath work, in deep, intentional breaths, a longer exhale than inhale works well, and grounding techniques, such as connecting with the present moment or feeling the sensation of your feet on the ground, can shift your nervous system from a state of fight-or-flight to one of calmness and clarity. When we feel grounded, we are less likely to allow our thoughts to run away from us and maintain rational, not fear-based thought. 

We can be the observer of the thoughts that run through our minds. Practising mindfulness and meditation allows us to disconnect from irrational thoughts and instead observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment. It helps create space between our fears and our reactions, allowing us to respond from a place of calmness.

You might not be aware that your thoughts are fear-based. However, I invite you to break down any negative thoughts and explore this further. For example, you might need to complete a project at work, and you’re feeling stuck at a certain point which halts progress. Now observe the thoughts running through your mind when you’ve hit a block. “I can’t move past this without help”, and if the help required isn’t available, your brain loves to catastrophise, and there may be a few different filler thoughts in between, but when you keep breaking down the line of thinking, your brain might end up with the thought “If I don’t complete this project on time, I’ll lose my job, then I’ll be broke, then I won’t be able to pay bills, and then I’ll lose my home, my life and end up dying alone… dark hey?! But that’s how our brain works. It will, without you being consciously aware of it, have these irrational thoughts which create stress and disempowers us to stay rational. 

Challenge fear-based thoughts by reframing them with positive affirmations and empowering self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths, previous successes, and the possibilities that lie ahead. We often feel stuck when we forget to look at all the options available to us. Remind yourself that you always have a choice in how you engage. The only things you have control over are your thoughts and perspectives. That’s it. So that’s why it’s so important to learn how to manage your mind to master your life. Here is where true empowerment lies!

Physical activities release endorphins, which counteract the effects of fear. Exercise not only improves your physical well-being but also boosts your mood and mental resilience. Even the simple act of walking helps, and if you manage to walk in nature, even better!

Recalibrating yourself fast also involves cultivating self-compassion. Understand that fear is a natural response, and it's more than okay to feel it. It’s how our brain is wired. Treat yourself with kindness and gentleness during moments of fear or self-doubt. Embrace the growth mindset, recognising that challenges and setbacks are just data for what didn’t work, so treat life like an experiment. And if what you’ve tried didn’t work, focus on the end result and look at all the different options available. We all have a human brain, and it’s wired to keep you safe, which is why we have a negative bias, the brain’s ancient programming is solely to keep you alive, with no regard for happiness, well-being or achieving your goals!

Recalibrating your nervous system fast is not just about calming your fears; it's about taking aligned action. Break down your goals into small, manageable steps and commit to taking consistent action towards them. Each step forward builds momentum, resilience and confidence, reinforcing your ability to overcome fear and learn how to manage your mind to master your life.

Rapidly recalibrating our nervous system and understanding fear is just our neurobiology. It’s the ancient software programming running in our brains, and when we learn how to make our neurobiology work for, not against us, we then allow ourselves to create a life we don't want to escape. 



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