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Learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable

empowerment fearless future growth Mar 01, 2023


If you can master being comfortable with being uncomfortable, you’ve pretty much nailed being fearless in life, and the world truly is at your feet.


When we “do the work” on ourselves, it all seems to boil down to self-worth. Do we feel worthy? 

Worthiness, I’ve come to realise, is somewhat a learned experience. We are born selfish, totally oblivious to anyone else's well-being - as any parent or carer of a new born will tell you. The only concern is for our needs to be met. Parents and carers dutifully ease babies out of making themselves their only priority and teach us to think of others.


So through all the conditioning we receive around us, teaching us to fit into our society, we lose our sense of self. We stop prioritising our well-being because we’ve been told throughout our lives that it’s wrong to do that. Is it any wonder we have this conflict with not being true to ourselves? That to be a good person we hold ourselves back and do what's asked from others. Even if their values don't align with ours and we disregard what is good, right and true to stay accepted and liked!


When we learn to be compassionate to ourselves and learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, we lose the fear of being rejected, we speak up against the wrongs we can right for ourselves and for others who can’t, and that’s when we start to see a society that is kinder and more accepting. We no longer place our fears onto others, even if our noble intent is in trying to protect them. Those fears that often don’t exist in any other mind but our own, the fear of the unfamiliar. When we can gracefully accept others for who they are and, then we are free to do the same for ourselves. We start to make decisions aligned with our values and not those imposed on us. I like this quote from Stephen Covey.


“If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster”!


So what wall is your ladder leaning against? When was the last time you looked at the life you created? The values that you embrace that shape your life? Questioned yourself if you would choose your life again given the opportunity to choose differently.


We get so busy that we don’t stop to reassess our circumstances. We just feel the drain of discontentment and are too fatigued to give it any deeper thought because to change anything would be uncomfortable, and unfamiliar - so if nothing changes, nothing changes and we, can’t then be disappointed with the results we didn’t create.


However, if you do want to learn how to be comfortable in being uncomfortable, get in touch. Isn’t it time you built the life you want to live? Book in for an obligation-free chat to hear how working together and learning simple, powerful and effective tools will help you to create a life you don’t want to escape! 

If you need help in learning your core values, I have a free pdf that I can send you. Either email me at [email protected] or dm on here and I'll send it to you.


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