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Are you thinking your thoughts?

curiositymindset empowerment positivechange Feb 10, 2023

In our youth we get taught most things, life skills that are helpful, however, no one teaches us why we think certain thoughts or how to think on purpose. I didn’t even know that managing my thoughts was an option, let alone how to think purposefully! The thoughts in my mind went unquestioned, which resulted in  suffering and feeling emotions that overwhelmed me leading to negative results that felt out of my control.


Now I know better, I live in a state of curiosity. When we have a curiosity mindset, we stay out of judgement and view life very differently. I find it’s a much kinder way to live, for myself and definitely for others.


As humans, we have the privilege to create consciousness about what we are thinking about. We have the ability to comprehend that our thoughts, not our circumstances create our feelings - which is what we ideally pay attention to. Our power is to reflect on our thoughts which leads to our results.




We can sort the aspect of our lives into five categories, here’s how we define them:


Circumstances: things that happen in the world that we cannot control.


Thoughts: sentences that happen in your mind. Herein lies empowerment.


Feelings: one-word descriptions of the vibrations in your body, your feelings are caused by thoughts, not circumstances.


Actions: our behaviours,  how we show up in the world.


Results: what we see in the world and in our lives has an effect on how we act. The result will always be evidence of the original thought.


Make sense? How we feel about things originates from our thoughts which leads us to what we do, and the results we get. Clarity on how our interactions with these five categories determine the whole of our lives.


Your thoughts create your life.


They’re important sentences in your mind. Pay attention to them. This will be harder than you think. So many of our thoughts seem true, be mindful that we don’t even recognise them as thoughts.



Emotions drive every action we take.


Imagine a car. The car needs fuel to run. Without fuel, the car goes nowhere and it’s the same with us. What’s the fuel that drives us? Think about this.


Most of us do it unconsciously. We just wait and see what comes along, waiting for inspiration, motivation, and excitement to rise up within us before we get to work.


With our cars, we prioritise getting fuel. We’re even willing to pay for it. We make sure it’s high quality and that we have plenty of it. We need to take the same responsibility for the emotional fuel we use in our lives.


Your thoughts, those sentences in your mind, are what create your feelings. Emotions are always created by thought, but it’s not always conscious thought, and certainly not always deliberate thought.


Your feelings are what drive your actions, and your actions create your results. This is a very clean and simple way of looking at how you experience the world, and it’s pretty accurate! Your thinking creates your feelings, and your feelings drive your actions, and your actions give you your results.


So step one is to really begin to look inside your mind and see what you’re thinking, to become conscious of your thoughts, and to ask yourself why.


When it comes to anything in your life, if you ask yourself why you’re doing something that you’re doing, why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling, the answer that you give yourself will always be a thought. Asking yourself, “Why?” is the best way to get to know what’s going on inside your mind.


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