Are you clear or confusing? How you communicate matters! awareness clarity empowerment May 19, 2024

Have you ever found yourself over-explaining, apologising, or tiptoeing around your words just to make sure you’re not offending anyone? If so, you’re not alone. Many women have been socialised to communicate in ways that prioritise others' comfort over their own clarity and...

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Have You Figured Out Your Recipe to Stay Grounded? awareness clarity consciousness May 13, 2024


Have you ever said, "Next time, I'll do better!" only to fall back into the same old patterns of over-reaction, procrastination, overwhelm, or feeling stuck? I know I certainly have. We've all had those moments where we just know we're capable of so much more but can't seem to get out of...

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The Hidden Cost of Living on Autopilot action awareness clarity May 02, 2024

You're smart and ambitious with big dreams, but something keeps holding you back. You find yourself overthinking, procrastinating, and feeling drained by the constant demands of life. Sound familiar? If so, you're not alone. Many of us are struggling to move past the endless list of tasks we need...

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Are You Addicted to Your Problems? alignment awareness choices confidence Apr 15, 2024

Have you ever noticed how we often make our problems a part of our identity? We talk about them incessantly, almost as if we're addicted to them. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: Am I addicted to my problems?

Developing habits that keep our problems alive and thriving is not uncommon....

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Navigating the 'Too Bad to Stay, Too Good to Leave' Dilemma awareness buybackyourtime choices empowerment Jan 29, 2024

In the vibrant tapestry of life beyond 50, there comes a stage where the dance between 'too bad to stay, too good to leave' plays its tune. It's a melody of mixed emotions, a soundtrack that often accompanies the dreams we might've tucked away. Today, let's embark on a journey of self-reflection...

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Building Deeper Bonds" awareness connection well-being Dec 04, 2023

Effective communication is transformative in building deeper bonds, and communication is central to all meaningful relationships. But sometimes, it’s hard for us to express our deeper feelings and emotions, and we may find it challenging to learn effective communication that fosters...

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Bouncing Back with Strength and Grace awareness emotionalintelligence resilience Oct 03, 2023

How do we master the art of bouncing back with unwavering strength and grace?  Resilience goes beyond mere survival; it's about thriving in the face of challenges. So how do we become resilient and empower ourselves to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and fortitude? 


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Recalibrate Yourself Fast! awareness emotionalintelligence empowerment Jul 10, 2023


By understanding how to regulate our mind and body, we can overcome setbacks and create a life that we don't want to escape. Fear, which activates the amygdala and suppresses rational thinking, is often at the root of our challenges. 

When we peel away the layers of our struggles,...

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What's REALLY Stopping You? awareness empowerment neuroplasticity Jul 10, 2023

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes find it difficult to think rationally, make clear decisions, or take action? The answer lies within our own brains. It’s the connection between our brain's amygdala and prefrontal cortex and how their activation can hinder our ability to think...

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Why is it helpful to know how weā€™re wired? awareness curiositymindset positivechange Jun 09, 2023

Why is it helpful to know how we’re wired?


It’s helpful to know how our mind works when we start working on ourselves on a deeper level to enable us to make lasting changes. Without getting too scientific, understanding the fundamentals of how the brain is wired and that most...

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Are you living your life in fear or freedom? awareness choices designyourlife empowerment May 12, 2023



As a mindset coach, who is passionate about empowering my clients to live their best lives, I often encounter people who feel trapped and stuck in their own lives. They feel like they are living in a constant state of fear and anxiety, unable to break free from the negative thoughts...

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Are you living life on your own terms? awareness consciousness intention livewell Mar 16, 2023


In our youth, we get taught life skills that are helpful. However, no one teaches us why we think certain thoughts or how to think on purpose. In my youth, I didn’t even know that managing my thoughts was an option, let alone how to think purposefully! The thoughts in my mind went...

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