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Why is it helpful to know how we’re wired?

awareness curiositymindset positivechange Jun 09, 2023

Why is it helpful to know how we’re wired?


It’s helpful to know how our mind works when we start working on ourselves on a deeper level to enable us to make lasting changes. Without getting too scientific, understanding the fundamentals of how the brain is wired and that most of our daily habits and routines come from our subconscious mind is good to keep in mind.

It is said that a tiny 5% is what we are aware of at any given moment in the conscious mind! We can be aware of something external, like when we are sitting on a chair or physical internal functions like breathing, but this is the tip of the iceberg as it only represents a small portion of our total mental activity.

On the other hand, the subconscious mind is the rest of what we are unaware of! It’s the part of the mind that influences our behaviour, emotions and beliefs without our conscious awareness. If the conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg, then the subconscious mind is the bulk of what lies under the water. It’s where our memories and experiences are stored and constantly influences our thoughts and actions. It’s where our automatic processes, like breathing and digestion, and more complex behaviours, like habits and intuition, occur.


So if you’ve ever wondered why you do the things you do that you said you wouldn’t even though you know better, then read on…


Becoming aware of our underlying beliefs and attitudes that are driving behaviours, helps us to overcome self-sabotaging behaviours. So we want to deep dive into our subconscious mind to reprogram what isn’t working for us and to bring positive change.  Here is another reason why it’s helpful to understand the fundamentals of how we’re wired.


Have you heard of the amygdala? It’s small and almond-shaped and lives somewhere in the centre of our brains, and it’s named after the Greek word for almond.  It is the most primitive and influential thing in your head! The amygdala is so ancient that almost anything that walks, swims, crawls or flies has one, and it has made its way through the eons of time as it’s a primary survival tool.


When you notice something that alarms you, it’s the amygdala that instantly makes you hyper-alert, your muscles tense, primed for action. You stop thinking rationally or logically, and at that point, you are in the fight, flight or freeze state, and the more you try to push logic and reason on a heightened amygdala, the more stressed you become and the less it - and you understand. You will no doubt have felt this in action when you’ve dealt with your own anxiety, or dealt with a toddler's tantrum or an angry teenager,  a ticked-off colleague, a grumpy senior or a worried spouse, or anyone else in a state of fear or anger. Trying to reason with anyone in this state is futile!


The limbic system is the part of our brain responsible for our emotions. It's where we experience feelings of love, happiness, and even fear. Our limbic system is also where we store memories and experiences, which plays a crucial role in shaping our motivations and desires. Understanding the fundamentals of the limbic system helps us comprehend the complex interplay between emotions, memory, and behaviour in the human brain.


Finally, we have the prefrontal cortex. This is the most recently evolved part of our brain and is responsible for our logical thinking and decision-making abilities. It's where we process information, solve problems, and plan for the future. The prefrontal cortex sets us apart from other animals and has allowed us to create amazing things like art, music, and technology.


In summary, the reptilian brain keeps us safe, the limbic system helps us feel and experience the world around us, and the prefrontal cortex allows us to think, reason, and create. Understanding these three parts of the brain is crucial if we want to learn how to manage our minds and create positive habits that support our goals.


Your brain is your superpower. Think of it like any other muscle in your body that needs to be worked to stay strong and healthy. You’ve got to be willing to do the work - consistently


If you’re like most of my clients, self-development isn’t new to you, and you might’ve even had coaching before, but it just didn’t give you the lasting change and results you need and want. Just reading the right books is, of course, helpful, but it’s not enough, nor is just watching YouTube or listening to podcasts. 


Don’t get me wrong, They help, but unless you find a way to implement the changes required, you’re not going to make any shifts in the right direction, and that’s because we’re all unique. 

We all have our own lived experiences that shape how we view life, and until we have clarity on all the filters that we view life with and learn deeply about ourselves, we don’t create lasting change. 

And this work is extremely hard to do alone. 


As the great philosopher Socrates once said, “ To know thy self is the beginning of wisdom” 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how I can support you, send me an email at [email protected] or book in an obligation free call via my website 

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