Are You Addicted to Your Problems? alignment awareness choices confidence Apr 15, 2024

Have you ever noticed how we often make our problems a part of our identity? We talk about them incessantly, almost as if we're addicted to them. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: Am I addicted to my problems?

Developing habits that keep our problems alive and thriving is not uncommon....

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Becoming your own best friend. alignment empowerment Apr 02, 2024

You wouldn’t talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself, would you? I get it – life can throw us curve balls that leave us feeling overwhelmed, stuck in overthinking mode, and constantly procrastinating on the decisions that matter most. Do you have a clear vision of what...

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Do a new thing alignment clarity confidence Mar 12, 2024

Conformity often masquerades as comfort, and the idea of doing something new can be daunting. Yet, nestled within that discomfort lies the key to creating a life that truly resonates with who you are, finding alignment, and living a more vibrant and purposeful life.

Just because you fit in...

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Once you've tasted living in alignment, there's no going back! alignment integrity Mar 03, 2024

Have you ever found yourself longing for a life that feels more aligned with your deepest desires and aspirations? Perhaps you've felt the tug of curiosity, wondering if there's a better way to live—one filled with more joy, fun, and fulfilment. 

In today's fast-paced world, it's all...

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Future-proofing Yourself alignment clarity lifelong learning Jan 17, 2024

As you journey through your 50s and 60s, the concept of 'future-proofing' might seem daunting. It's a time of significant change – children leaving home, approaching retirement, and a new phase of 'you' time emerging. But what does future-proofing really mean for you at this stage? It's...

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Finding Your Groove In Retirement alignment clarity core values Jan 08, 2024

Hey there! Let's chat about something I've been thinking about a lot lately - how retirement is the perfect time to really get back to who we are. Remember those dreams and passions we shelved during our busy working years? Well, retirement is our second act, and it's time to bring them back into...

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Goal Setting With Purpose alignment clarity goalsetting Sep 15, 2023

Learning the skill set of effective goal setting is fundamental to achievement. So, it’s helpful to explore the art of creating your path to success through meaningful goal-setting. But before you start to set goals, you need to understand and have clarity about what matters most to you and...

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Living Boldly alignment procrastination Jun 29, 2023

We all know that feeling when we feel stuck, and there are things that we need and want to do, but we don’t. Why is that?

In my experience, when we break it down, there’s always a fear thought that’s the underlying issue more often than not. It’s a fear of failure, or...

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Performing vs. transforming - where are you at? alignment values Apr 27, 2023

Performing is all about meeting external expectations and achieving specific goals while transforming is about changing your beliefs and perspectives to become the person you want to be.

So, where are you at? Are you mostly focused on performing, doing what needs to be done to meet others’...

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Trying TO Fit A Square Peg In A ROund HOle alignment authenticity choices values Apr 14, 2023

Do you ever feel like you're living a life that doesn't quite fit? Like you're going through the motions, but deep down, you know something's off? It's easy to fall into the trap of doing what we think we "should" do rather than what feels right to us. But when we live in alignment with our...

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