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Finding Your Groove In Retirement

Finding Your Groove In Retirement

alignment clarity core values Jan 08, 2024

Hey there! Let's chat about something I've been thinking about a lot lately - how retirement is the perfect time to really get back to who we are. Remember those dreams and passions we shelved during our busy working years? Well, retirement is our second act, and it's time to bring them back into the spotlight.

Core Values - What's That All About? 'Core values' might be unfamiliar to you, but really, it's just about what makes you, you. It's the stuff that gets you excited, the beliefs you hold dear, and the principles you live by. I bet, like me, you've had moments in your career where you had to push these aside. But now? The stage is all ours. Let’s make the most of it!

Why Living Your Truth Rocks: Living in tune with your values isn't just good for the soul; it feels amazing. Think about it - no more doing things because you 'should', but because you genuinely 'want to'. I have a friend, who rediscovered his love for guitar. He's not planning to be the next rock star, but he sure does he light up when he plays! That's what I'm talking about.

When Things Don’t Line Up: If you're feeling a bit out of sorts in retirement, you're not alone. It's like when you try to fit into an old pair of jeans - sometimes, things just don't feel right. This is actually good news. It’s life nudging us to shake things up, to make changes that reflect who we really are.

How to Get Back on Track:

  1. Take a Beat: Spend some time thinking about what really matters to you. Not what others think, but what you think.
  2. Set Goals That Excite You: Let your values guide your plans. Want to learn Italian? Go for it! Interested in volunteering? Why not?
  3. Be Open to New Stuff: Retirement is the best time to try new hobbies or revisit old ones. Who knew I'd love salsa dancing?
  4. Find Your Tribe: Hang out with people who get you and share your interests. Trust me, it makes all the difference.

The Great Thing About Change: Retirement is our time to shine, to rekindle old passions and discover new ones. It's a chance to be who we always wanted to be, without the constraints of a 9-to-5.

Aligning our retirement life with our core values isn't just a nice idea – it's what makes life after work exciting, fulfilling, and genuinely ours. So let’s grab this opportunity to live a life that's more 'us' than ever. Here's to finding your groove in retirement and living a life that feels as comfortable and right as your favorite pair of jeans.

If this resonates with you, you'll love 5 Steps To Creating Your Perfect Retirement, it's got great tips that will help you get your head in the right space to create your dream life! Get your free guide here.

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