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Performing vs. transforming - where are you at?

alignment values Apr 27, 2023

Performing is all about meeting external expectations and achieving specific goals while transforming is about changing your beliefs and perspectives to become the person you want to be.

So, where are you at? Are you mostly focused on performing, doing what needs to be done to meet others’ approval? Or are you more focused on transforming, taking the time to explore your own beliefs and values and aligning your actions with those beliefs?

Let's say you have a big presentation coming up. If you're mostly focused on performing, you'll spend hours practising and doing whatever it takes to put on a show to gain the approval of others, regardless if it’s in alignment with your values. You might even have a lucky tie or dress that helps you feel confident and ready to perform.

But, if you're more focused on transforming, you'll take the time to explore your own beliefs and values. You'll ask yourself what you truly care about and how you can align your actions with those beliefs. Maybe you're an entrepreneur who is passionate about sustainability, and you'll start by reducing your business's carbon footprint or implementing eco-friendly practices in your workplace.

The key to transforming your mindset is to focus on what truly matters to you rather than just going through the motions and meeting external expectations. By taking the time to explore your own beliefs and values, you can align your actions with your true purpose and experience a greater sense of fulfilment in all areas of your life.

So, as you go about your day-to-day activities, ask yourself: Am I mostly focused on performing or transforming? Where can I shift my focus to better align with my own beliefs and values? With these questions in mind, you can start to shift your mindset and experience true growth and self-discovery.

Often we are taught to look to others for approval which makes external validation a powerful motivator. It feels great to receive recognition and praise from others for a job well done. However, relying too heavily on external validation can lead to a cycle of constantly seeking approval and never feeling truly fulfilled.

That's why it's important to let go of the need for external validation and look inward. When you focus on transforming your beliefs and perspectives, you're not looking for external validation. Instead, you're doing what feels right to you and aligning your actions with your own values.

When you shift your focus within, you can experience a sense of freedom and liberation. You no longer feel like you're just going through the motions and trying to please others. Instead, you're following your own path and doing what feels right for you.

Of course, it can be challenging to let go of external validation, especially if you're used to relying on it as a motivator. But, the more you focus on transforming your mindset and aligning your actions with your own values, the easier it becomes to let that go.

The key is to focus on what truly matters to you and let go of the need to look to others' approval, as this can lead to chronic people-pleasing, be it your family, friends or colleagues. When you do this, you'll experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment in all areas of your life. Your focus will no longer be on trying to fit in through the approval of others, but instead, you'll be following your own path and doing what feels right for you.

So, the next time you find yourself looking outwards and seeking external validation, take a moment to look inward. Ask yourself what truly matters to you and how you can align your actions with your values. By focusing on your own values, you can experience a greater sense of freedom and fulfilment and live your life with integrity, which of course, is a game changer!


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