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Find your flow in life & business

Find Your Flow

alignment flow overthinking Oct 01, 2024

If you’re anything like me—an entrepreneur juggling a million things—you’ve probably found yourself stuck in a whirlwind of decisions and dilemmas. It can feel overwhelming, right? But here’s the thing, you don’t have to navigate this chaos alone. I want to share my thoughts on how to tap into your energy to find clarity and alignment in your life and business.

Let’s start with the basics. When faced with a decision or dilemma, the first thing I recommend is to pause and check in with yourself. Take a moment to drop out of your head and into your body. This is where the magic happens. Our bodies are incredible at sensing what’s in alignment with us long before our brains catch up.

When you consider different options, notice what expands your energy versus what contracts it. You might feel a sense of lightness when you think about one choice, while another might feel heavy or draining. This is your body giving you clues about what truly resonates with you.

I know that being present can sound a bit cliché, but hear me out. My observations have shown me that we often let our minds run the show—overthinking everything in an attempt to keep ourselves feeling “safe.” But this survival mindset can cloud our judgment and lead us away from what we really want.

When we’re stuck in our heads, we risk spiralling into confusion. That’s why it’s crucial to cultivate presence. By tuning into how our energy shifts with different choices, we can make decisions that are in alignment.

One of my favourite ways to become aware of where my energy levels are is by creating space for reflection. Find a quiet spot where you can breathe deeply and be alone without distractions. For me, journaling has been a game-changer. I’m old school—I love putting pen to paper and letting my thoughts flow.

Writing helps clear the mental clutter and engages the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational thought. Neuroscience backs this up! When you download your worries onto paper, you create room for new insights to emerge.

And let’s not forget about meditation! I used to think I couldn’t “do it right,” but then I realised that simply observing my thoughts allows me to be present. It’s all about detaching from outcomes and surrendering to the moment.

I’ve noticed that many people struggle to sit still without their phones or distractions—myself included at times! Why is it so hard to just be? In conversations with fellow entrepreneurs, I’ve noticed that even the most successful ones can get pulled by their businesses and lost in distractions.

So how do we stay true to ourselves amidst all this noise? It all comes back to that initial step, get out of your head and drop into your body. Pay attention to which thoughts or choices light you up and follow those instincts.

It’s okay to give yourself permission to pursue what brings you joy—even if it feels indulgent or risky. Who knows? You might just stumble upon the path that leads you to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Being in alignment isn’t just about making decisions; it’s about tuning into your body and recognising what energises you versus what drains you. By practising presence through journaling and meditation, we can gain deeper insights into ourselves.

So take a moment today—breathe deeply, check in with your body, and allow yourself the freedom to choose what resonates with you. You might just find clarity waiting for you on the other side!

Remember, it’s all about getting out of your head so you can create a life you don’t want to escape!

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