Embrace Adventure! adapatbility authenticity empowerment growth Feb 06, 2024

Embrace the Adventure: The Power of Trying New Things in Your 50s and Beyond

As we journey through our 50s and beyond, there's a unique opportunity to cultivate a growth mindset and embark on new adventures that contribute to both brain health and overall well-being. Often, the fear of not...

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Embracing Uncertainty empowerment growth resilience Nov 06, 2023

Life is ever-changing, and uncertainty undoubtedly is a constant companion and a natural part of the human experience. We can only control three things in life: our thoughts, our perspectives, and the effort we put in, so embracing the discomfort of uncertainty and instead considering that it has...

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Embracing Optimism emotionalintelligence growth positivechange Aug 24, 2023

Optimism is the catalyst for personal growth and a better life, and by embracing optimism, we can elevate every aspect of your being. 

Positive thinking isn't merely wishful dreaming; it's a way of life. When you cultivate optimism, you change the way you perceive the world and respond to...

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The Power Of A Positive Mindset empowerment growth positivechange Aug 01, 2023

A positive mindset is a superpower that fuels our actions, shapes our attitudes, and influences our outcomes. When we focus on possibilities instead of limitations, we open doors to endless opportunities. Cultivating positivity empowers us to overcome obstacles more easily and builds our...

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What is the difference between worry, anxiety and fear? clarity empowerment growth Jul 27, 2023

In life, we often find ourselves grappling with worry, anxiety, and fear, but do we truly understand their distinctions and how they impact us? Let's check out  each of these emotions to gain a deeper understanding.

Worry: A Choice That Keeps Us Stuck

 Worry is a choice that often leads...

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The Neuroscience Behind Getting Unstuck choices empowerment growth resilience Jun 14, 2023

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves feeling stuck, held back by fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. But what if I told you that there is a way to break free from these constraints and unleash your full potential? By understanding how we’re wired and be willing to feel...

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How do you reach for the stars and stay grounded? dreambig empowerment growth May 25, 2023


This is a topic that deeply resonates with me as a mindset coach—how to reach for the stars while remaining firmly grounded. Achieving remarkable things while staying true to ourselves and connected to the present moment is a delicate balance.


Dreaming big is a powerful...

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Learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable empowerment fearless future growth Mar 01, 2023


If you can master being comfortable with being uncomfortable, you’ve pretty much nailed being fearless in life, and the world truly is at your feet.


When we “do the work” on ourselves, it all seems to boil down to self-worth. Do we feel worthy? 


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