If This Was Easy, What Would It Look Like? emotionalintelligence empowerment joy May 31, 2024


Have you ever found yourself feeling completely stuck or overwhelmed by a challenge, convinced that the solution is incredibly complicated and difficult? We've all been there - staring at the metaphorical mountain in front of us, utterly paralysed by self-doubt and the assumption that...

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Feeling Awkward Is Not A Sign Youā€™re On The Wrong Track clarity confidence empowerment May 24, 2024


We've all been there - trying something new, trying out a new idea or concept, and suddenly feeling incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. That little voice in our head starts piping up, telling us, "This is wrong. You're on the wrong track here. You should just go back to what's familiar...

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Are you clear or confusing? How you communicate matters! awareness clarity empowerment May 19, 2024

Have you ever found yourself over-explaining, apologising, or tiptoeing around your words just to make sure you’re not offending anyone? If so, you’re not alone. Many women have been socialised to communicate in ways that prioritise others' comfort over their own clarity and...

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Wherever I go, there I am... clarity empowerment resilience Apr 29, 2024

Ever felt like you're running in circles, facing the same challenges no matter where life takes you? The same type of problems pop up no matter what relationship or job you try. Have you heard the saying, "Wherever I go, there I am." Our patterns of thinking and behaving tend to follow us,...

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Becoming your own best friend. alignment empowerment Apr 02, 2024

You wouldn’t talk to your best friend the way you talk to yourself, would you? I get it – life can throw us curve balls that leave us feeling overwhelmed, stuck in overthinking mode, and constantly procrastinating on the decisions that matter most. Do you have a clear vision of what...

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Embrace Adventure! adapatbility authenticity empowerment growth Feb 06, 2024

Embrace the Adventure: The Power of Trying New Things in Your 50s and Beyond

As we journey through our 50s and beyond, there's a unique opportunity to cultivate a growth mindset and embark on new adventures that contribute to both brain health and overall well-being. Often, the fear of not...

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Navigating the 'Too Bad to Stay, Too Good to Leave' Dilemma awareness buybackyourtime choices empowerment Jan 29, 2024

In the vibrant tapestry of life beyond 50, there comes a stage where the dance between 'too bad to stay, too good to leave' plays its tune. It's a melody of mixed emotions, a soundtrack that often accompanies the dreams we might've tucked away. Today, let's embark on a journey of self-reflection...

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Embracing Uncertainty empowerment growth resilience Nov 06, 2023

Life is ever-changing, and uncertainty undoubtedly is a constant companion and a natural part of the human experience. We can only control three things in life: our thoughts, our perspectives, and the effort we put in, so embracing the discomfort of uncertainty and instead considering that it has...

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Inner Strength confidence empowerment fearless Oct 23, 2023

It’s completely understandable that fearful thoughts can hold you back and stop you from realising your true potential. So, how do we tap into our inner warrior, transcend the limitations that fear imposes on us and learn how to rise above fear with strength and determination?

Fear is a...

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Overcoming Overwhelm consciousness designyourlife empowerment Aug 31, 2023

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's not uncommon to find ourselves drowning in a sea of commitments, tasks, and responsibilities. It's that sensation of being buried beneath a mountain of to-dos, often accompanied by a racing mind and a sense of helplessness. It can stem from work pressures,...

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Design Your Dream Life designyourlife dreambig empowerment Aug 07, 2023

The first step to turning dreams into reality is to envision them with clarity and intention. To get that clarity, we need to know what matters most to us. If you’ve never invested the time in learning what your core values are, I encourage you to do so. Aligning our actions with our core...

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The Power Of A Positive Mindset empowerment growth positivechange Aug 01, 2023

A positive mindset is a superpower that fuels our actions, shapes our attitudes, and influences our outcomes. When we focus on possibilities instead of limitations, we open doors to endless opportunities. Cultivating positivity empowers us to overcome obstacles more easily and builds our...

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