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If This Was Easy, What Would It Look Like?

If This Was Easy, What Would It Look Like?

emotionalintelligence empowerment joy May 31, 2024


Have you ever found yourself feeling completely stuck or overwhelmed by a challenge, convinced that the solution is incredibly complicated and difficult? We've all been there - staring at the metaphorical mountain in front of us, utterly paralysed by self-doubt and the assumption that transformative change requires intense struggle.

But here's a powerful mindset shift: What if growth and positive change didn't have to be so hard? What if the key wasn't muscling your way up that daunting mountain but simply realising you've been overcomplicating things from the start?

This week in my coaching sessions, I found myself asking clients, "If this was easy, what would it look like?" At first, they'd look at me like I was crazy. Easy? How could overcoming this challenge possibly be easy? But as we explored further, profound realisations would dawn.

So often, we get stuck in patterns of catastrophizing and making mountains out of molehills. We assume that any kind of meaningful growth or transformation requires intense pain, struggle, and an immense force of willpower and discipline. But what if that's just our brain trying to keep us safe, resulting in us staying stuck in familiarity?

The truth is, real, lasting change doesn't actually come from what you're doing. It comes from who you're being. It's an inside job, not about pushing and grinding from the outside in. When you can shift your state of being, your actions will naturally follow suit.

For example, if you want to finally start that business you've been dreaming about, you don't need to overcomplicate it with a complex, overwhelming plan. Instead, ask yourself, "If this was easy, what would it look like?". You only need to focus on that first step, maybe it's as simple as waking up feeling energised and inspired, allowing yourself to take imperfect action from that creative, purposeful state, and giving yourself permission to learn through trial and error, free from judgment.

If you want to overcome chronic people-pleasing, you don't need to construct an intense regimen of tough discipline. Just ask: "If this was easy, what would it look like?" Perhaps it's about feeling grounded in your self-worth, communicating with compassionate boundaries, letting go of guilt, and prioritising your own wellbeing.

Do you see the pattern? Growth doesn't require immense struggle. It simply requires you to shift into the version of yourself that already embodies the qualities and mindset you want to create in your life. From there, everything else flows.

Of course, this requires a shift in your mindset. Our egos can be pretty attached to the story of pain and struggle. But with practice, you can train yourself to stop catastrophizing and look for the simple, intuitive path forward.

So, the next time you feel stuck or overwhelmed, pause and ask yourself: "If this were easy, what would it look like?" Imagine stepping into the version of yourself who has already achieved the growth you want. Let that vision guide you, one step at a time, to get the results that mean the most to you.

You don't have to overcomplicate things or suffer unnecessarily. Real transformation starts from within. Change your being, and the doing will follow. All you need is the willingness to embrace "easy" as your new superpower for an extraordinary life. This is what my theme is for 2024, more ease and joy, and I am here to tell you that it’s an awesome way to live!

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