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Why bubble baths aren't enough

Why Bubble Baths Aren't Enough

selfcare selfcompassion Oct 14, 2024

This topic is close to my heart: self-care. But not just any self-care—we're talking about the real deal, the kind that transforms lives from the inside out.

You know, I've been in this coaching game for years, and let me tell you, I've seen it all. The rise of the #selfcare movement has been nothing short of phenomenal. Suddenly, everyone's talking about face masks, bubble baths, and "treating yourself." Don't get me wrong, these things are lovely, but here's the kicker – they're often just scratching the surface of what true self-care really means. Pampering as lovely as it is, isn’t going to improve your skills in making empowered decisions. 

Let's get real for a moment. How many times have you indulged in a spa day or a Netflix binge, only to feel the weight of the world come crashing down as soon as it's over? If you're nodding your head, you're not alone. This is what I call the "faux self-care trap," and it's time we break free from it.

Now, I'm not here to bash your bubble baths (I love a good soak myself!). But as a coach who's worked with countless professionals and business owners, I've seen firsthand how these quick fixes often fall short. They're like putting a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches—it might look pretty, but it's not solving the real problem.

So, what's the deal with traditional self-care approaches? Why aren't they cutting it? Well, in my experience, it's because they don't address the root causes of our stress and burnout. They're external solutions to internal problems. It's like trying to fix a leaky pipe by mopping up the water—you might have a dry floor for a moment, but the leak is still there, dripping away.

This is where the magic of authentic self-care comes in. It's not about escaping our problems; it's about facing them head-on and making lasting changes from within. It's about digging deep, getting uncomfortable, and doing the inner work that leads to true transformation. It’s about empowering yourself to be able connect with your authentic self, and know what’s in alignment to make empowered decisions. If you really want to make long lasting change in your life, you’ve got understand the filters you look at life through.


I remember working with a client – let's call her Sarah. She was a successful business owner, always on the go, and swore by her weekly massages as her form of self-care. But despite these regular "me-time" sessions, she was still feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and disconnected from her purpose. It wasn't until we started working on her inner world – her beliefs, her boundaries, her relationship with herself – that things really began to shift.

You see, real self-care isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's deeply personal and often challenging. It's about setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and aligning your actions with your values. It's about making choices that honor your needs, even when it's uncomfortable or goes against the grain.

Now, I know what you might be thinking that his sounds like hard work! And you're right, it can be. But let me tell you, the results are worth it. When you start focusing on inward change, you're not just putting a temporary band-aid on your stress – you're creating a foundation for lasting well-being and success.

So, how can you start implementing real self-care in your life? Here are a few tips I often share with my clients:

  • Get curious about your stress: Instead of trying to escape it, ask yourself what it's trying to tell you.
  • Practice saying "no": Setting boundaries is a fundamental and powerful act of self-care.
  • Align your actions with your values: Make choices that reflect what truly matters to you.
  • Cultivate self-compassion and acceptance: Treat yourself with the same kindness you'd offer a good friend.
  • Invest in personal growth: Commit to your inner work, whether it's therapy, coaching, or self-reflection

Remember that true self-care isn't about perfection or indulgence. It's about creating a life that nourishes your soul and supports your growth. It's about building resilience, fostering self-love, and stepping into your power as the incredible being you are. When we are clear on what gives us meaning and purpose, only then can we feel the fulfillment we all crave and avoid feeling tapped out and exhausted.

So, the next time you're tempted to solve all your problems with a bubble bath, pause and ask yourself: "What do I really need right now?" Your inner wisdom has the answer – all you need to do is listen.

Here's to real self-care, to doing the inner work, and to creating lives we truly love. You've got this, and I'm here cheering you on every step of the way!

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