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The Dance Of Dissonance

Jul 04, 2023

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual experiences conflicting thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes. It creates a state of mental discomfort and prompts us to resolve the inconsistency. This intricate dance of dissonance plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, decisions, and actions. 

Psychologist Leon Festinger first introduced the term cognitive dissonance in the 1950s. It refers to the discomfort we feel when there is a discrepancy between our beliefs and our behaviours or when we encounter new information that challenges our existing views. This discomfort motivates us to reduce the dissonance and achieve a state of consistency. Imagine seeing a cat start to cluck like a chicken. Your brain would be in dissonance and try to make sense of the situation. And we either get curious about the new information or we double down on our beliefs. 

When we experience cognitive dissonance, we enter a mental tug-of-war between conflicting thoughts or beliefs. For example, imagine being a health-conscious individual who just polished off a piece of cake. The conflict arises between the desire for a healthy lifestyle and the indulgence in an unhealthy treat. This dissonance creates an uncomfortable state that pushes us to resolve it. 

We find ourselves using different strategies to alleviate cognitive dissonance. At times we may change beliefs or behaviours to align with new information, while at other times, we may ignore or dismiss the contradictory evidence altogether. Like a smoker ignoring all the evidence of the negative effects smoking has on the body. Understanding how we cope with dissonance helps us gain insight into our decision-making processes.

Cognitive dissonance heavily influences our decision-making. It can lead us to rationalise our choices and find ways to justify our actions to reduce discomfort. This tendency to protect our self-image can sometimes cloud our judgment and prevent us from considering alternative viewpoints.

While cognitive dissonance can be unsettling, it also presents an opportunity for personal growth and learning. By embracing the discomfort and examining our conflicting beliefs, we can expand our perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and foster intellectual curiosity. It allows us to question the status quo and find creative solutions to problems.

 Cognitive dissonance is an inherent part of human nature. It manifests itself in various aspects of our lives, impacting our thoughts, decisions, and actions. By understanding the dance of dissonance, we can navigate these conflicts more effectively and harness the power of discomfort to drive personal growth and development.

 Remember that our brain is like a computer that has ancient software programmed for safety first and foremost, so by understanding why we do what we do and learning what matters most to us, we pave the path to living in alignment and spending time doing what matters most to us. 

So, develop a curiosity mindset, and question your beliefs, thoughts and perspectives to empower yourself to create a life you don’t want to escape!


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