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Overcoming overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

clarity overwhelm Mar 15, 2024

When we feel overwhelmed, the root cause is most likely a combination of factors: a lack of clarity, trying to get everything perfect all the time, a lack of boundaries, and unrealistic expectations. It doesn’t help when we catch ourselves thinking less than helpful thoughts that just add to feeling like it’s all too much, which results in you chasing your tail in a never-ending cycle of work and personal commitments that you never feel on top of. It's all too easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands of daily life.

Overwhelm can quickly take its toll on our mental and emotional well-being. However, by understanding the underlying causes of overwhelm and implementing effective strategies, it's possible to regain control, find clarity, and move forward with purpose.

One of the first steps in overcoming overwhelm is cultivating awareness that our thoughts create our feelings and behaviours. So, it would make sense first to learn how to manage your thoughts. You can choose your perspective on any circumstance. You can think the rain will make your day unpleasant, or you can choose not to let it interfere with your plans and enjoy yourself anyway!

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and journaling, can help us become more present and attuned to our inner experiences. Through this heightened awareness, we can begin to identify the triggers and patterns that contribute to overwhelm, allowing us to respond more skillfully in challenging situations.

In addition to awareness, self-compassion plays a crucial role in navigating overwhelm. Rather than berating ourselves for feeling overwhelmed, we can practice self-kindness and understanding. By acknowledging our struggles with warmth and empathy, we create a supportive inner dialogue that fosters resilience and self-acceptance. Gratitude practices, for example, can help shift our focus away from what's lacking towards what we appreciate in our lives, fostering a greater sense of abundance and fulfilment. 

When we feel overwhelmed, it's often because we're spread too thin, trying to meet the expectations of others at the expense of our own well-being. By clarifying our values and priorities, we can make more intentional choices about how we spend our time and energy. This might involve saying no to certain commitments, setting boundaries with others, or delegating tasks that aren't aligned with our core values.

Overcoming overwhelm requires a proactive approach to problem-solving and empowered decision-making. By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, we can reduce feelings of overwhelm and gain a sense of progress and accomplishment. Additionally, setting realistic goals and deadlines can provide a clear roadmap for moving forward, helping us stay focused and motivated along the way.

While overwhelm may be a common experience in today's busy world, it doesn't have to dictate our lives. Be aware, practising self-compassion, and implementing effective strategies, we can navigate overwhelm with grace and build resilience. By aligning our actions with our values and priorities, we can create a roadmap for living with clarity, purpose, and fulfilment. Remember, as with all change, overcoming overwhelm begins with a single step – and each step forward brings us closer to a better life.

Join me on Tuesday 26 March at 12pm for a short lunchtime masterclass "5 Steps To Create A Better Life" Click here to register, it's free!

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