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If nothing changes, nothing changes...

designyourlife livingwithintent newyear reflections Dec 30, 2022

As the year draws to a close, I hear comments like “I’ll be glad to see the back of this year” or “Let’s hope next year doesn’t blow as badly as this one has”, so a good question to ask is, what has to change, so that next year and every year after that, feel better? My answer is pretty simple.

Decide that it WILL be better. Once we create intention and consciousness around a thought, we set the wheels in motion. Our brains, like computers, need programming. The brain needs data to focus on, and once it has clear instructions, it’s much easier to take the next important step - action!

I am a big fan of journaling, and there’s a lot of science-backed evidence to show that it has many positive benefits to living well, which is what I am utterly obsessed with!

So I invite you now to find some time for yourself and ponder on what you would like the new year to hold for you. How do you want to feel this time next year when you’re reflecting? I’ve created a list of questions that might help to get the ball rolling for you.

I’d love to hear what you’ve come up with, so please email me at [email protected] 

End of year Reflections

How have I changed over the last year? What did I learn?
Did I show up how I wanted to in my relationships? Are they different now?
Was I aligned with my values? Did I stay true to them?
What am I grateful for?
What am I most proud of achieving?
Would I do anything differently?
Where did I let myself down?
When did I suppress myself, and why?
Who do I want to acknowledge? Or thank? Or apologise to?
What significant moments occurred? How did I grow?
What challenges am I most proud of overcoming?
What do I need to let go of?
Would I do anything differently next year based on the last year's learning?

New Year Intentions

How will I look after myself next year? What will I do to invest in my well-being?
What results would I love to achieve in the next year? How will I take steps to achieve them?
What do I want to prioritise in the next year?
Where do I want to up-skill next year?
What decision do I want to make next year?
What do I want to do more of?
What do I want to do less of?
What challenges do I foresee in the next year, and how will I overcome them?
What will I do to stay focussed on getting the results I want?
What relationships do I want to strengthen or cultivate in the next year?

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