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Are you playing to your strengths?

buybackyourtime entrepreneurship results worksmart Feb 17, 2023

Are you playing to your strengths?


The answer to this question has a huge impact on you and your life! If you feel that it’s easier to do everything yourself, rather than to train or to delegate to someone else the tasks that you don’t enjoy and deplete you, you’re robbing yourself of so much! And I’m guessing you are feeling drained and tapped out by the end of most days - because there just aren’t enough hours to get it all done, am I right?!


I have worked with many successful people, particularly entrepreneurs, and every time they’re nailing it, and things flow, all of them, and I mean ALL, have this one thing in common. They are spending their time doing what energises them and gets them results - and outsourcing what doesn’t!


So where are you currently? How are you feeling? Drained and tapped out by the end of the day? Or flying high, excited about your future and possibilities?


Entrepreneurs who don’t learn to take back their week and refocus their energy will feel less and less free as their business grows. They will come up against their pain line, where growth becomes impossible as the more they grow, the more pain they experience. 


No one grows into pain! There are two things that will happen, either a change in mindset occurs, and they take on a new belief and new tactics, OR they stop growing as it’s too painful to continue. 


So whilst in pain, if prolonged, they usually tend towards thoughts of selling which start to play in their mind to avoid more and future pain, or they subconsciously sabotage themselves by making bad decisions to stop growing and start stalling. No one wakes up in the morning saying, “I am going to sabotage my business today”, but unaware entrepreneurs mostly do the cycle of sabotage.


If this resonated with you, and you would like to stop the cycle of blocking yourself, I get so much fulfilment from coaching in this space, as the results are truly powerful. 


Fear is a future projection of a negative outcome.


Faith is a positive projection of a future outcome.


The only difference is deciding which one you focus on!

Here are Dan Martell’s from his book “Buy Back Your Time” five buy-back rules.


  1. Don’t hire to grow your business. Hire to buy back your time.
  2. You can’t personally outwork yourself for a better business. You only have 24 hours a day. So either you, or one of your relationships will break down.
  3. If you keep grinding, you’ll experience so much pain when you try to grow, and one of three things will happen. 
  • You will stall it
  • You will sabotage it, or
  • You will sell it


  1.   When you hit the pain line, it should act as a feedback loop - this is your opportunity to take on a new mindset. Or to continue in the status quo, waiting for something to snap.


  1.   A buyback loop occurs as you continually audit your tasks that are sucking your energy, and then you transfer those tasks to those who are better at them and optimally enjoy them. You then fill your time with the tasks that light you up and energise you. And then you start the procession again!


Book in a discovery call with me if you’d like to chat about how I can support you to create a life and business you don’t want to escape! I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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