Options to help you live your best life

I offer a range of options that support you where you currently are to get you where you want to be.

Feel free to book an obligation-free call to talk about all the different resources available.

Book a free call

I help you to successfully transition into the next chapter in life and empower you to create a life you don't want to escape!

Once you've tasted living in alignment, there's no going back!

  • Find your authentic & unique identity 
  • Create a purpose-driven roadmap.
  • Design your life with clarity and intent.


COACHelke 1:1 coaching Tranformation Package

Invest In Your Future Self

Big life changes are both exciting and daunting! You're not alone if you have mixed feelings about this next chapter in life which is why it's great to set up for success by investing in yourself to discover how to create a fulfilling, fun and purposeful life.

Many people lack a sense of fulfilment because they've not gained clarity on what matters most to them. Our mission is to guide you through the transformative process of unlocking your true purpose, providing the tools and support needed to navigate this enriching chapter of your life. Join us in creating a future filled with passion, meaning, and a profound sense of fulfillment. Your purpose awaits—let's unlock it together.

Create a life you don't want to escape!

Book an obligation-free call with me to discuss your specific needs.

Book a call
COACHelke 1:1 Coaching Transformation Package

1:1 Sessions

Invest in your future self.

As humans, we have the privilege of creating consciousness about what we are thinking. We have the ability to comprehend that our thoughts, not our circumstances create our feelings - which, to create the change we want, is where we need to pay attention to. Our power is to reflect on our thoughts which drive our actions and lead to our results. How you feel should be the most important thing to you!

If you're ready to get started, find the option that suits you below!


$1997 AUD

Best Value

The program is completely customised to your needs, and includes:

  • 1  clarity session
  • 6 x 1 hour customised sessions

  • 1  what’s next session

 Prices include applicable taxes.



11 x $197 AUD

Pay in easy weekly instalments!

The program is completely customised to your needs, and includes:

  • 1 x clarity session
  • 6 x 1 hour customised sessions

  • 1  what’s next session

 Prices include applicable taxes.

Kate Freebody CA Client Testimonial

Kate Freebody CA
(Principal, FreebodyCogent Pty Ltd)

"I have always found Elke to be a great listener, empathetic and compassionate, while challenging you in a positive and constructive way."

Dave Quinlan
(Defence Services)

"Elke is a passionate self motivated professional dedicated to the betterment of others and them reaching their goals, be it personal or professional.

Her ability to help you look at the potential you can create within the everyday obstacles that will pave the way to your ultimate success."

Sue Daley Client Testimonial

Sue Daley
(Senior Residential Valuer at CBRE)

"Coaching with Elke has been very insightful and has helped me view things in a different light.

I highly recommend her if you want to understand and remove the blocks that are holding you back."

Let's chat!

Everyone's path to purpose is uniquely theirs and I here to help you gain clarity in how to create your fulfilling, fun and purposeful life.

Sometimes the next steps are hard to see, so reach out to hear how I can support you.

Would you like to join me in creating a life you don’t want to escape?

Book an obligation-free call